15 for 15

2025 is Kipawa’s 15th Anniversary!

Why not help us celebrate by giving a donation of £15? This could be a one-off payment as and when you can spare it or, if you’re a regular donor, upping your standing order to £15 per month.

Alternatively, donors who give each month might consider giving an additional three times during 2025, to up their number of payments from 12 to 15.

Monthly donations are so important. They provide us with a guaranteed income, allowing us to plan our year and ensure payments can be made to the programmes we support on a regular basis. They also provide a solid foundation on which to build additional funds from sponsorships and fundraising events. Please consider becoming a regular donor today.

How to Donate

All donations are gratefully received and monthly donations are really important to us since they allow us to plan for the future. Our feeding, counselling and family needs based programmes make a real different to the children of Mukuyu and Mutundu and their families.

Each meal costs between just 7p and 41p. Even a small donation goes a long way!

Standing Orders

The easiest way to make a regular donation is by setting up a standing order directly with your bank (our bank details are below!) If you set up a standing order, we can claim an additional 25p from the UK Government for every pound you donate so please don’t forget to send us a gift aid declaration form! Gift aiding makes your generous donations go even further.

Direct and International Donations

To make a one-off donation, or to donate from outside the UK, you can donate direct to our bank account:

Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20- 29-23
Account Number: 33368750
IBAN: GB80 BUKB 20292333368750

Or, you can make a one-off or regular donation at this link - https://donate.kindlink.com/Kipawa-Trust-International/4666

Text to Donate

​You can text* KIPAWAFIFTEEN to 70085 to donate £15 to Kipawa (it’s our 15th year after all!)
- of course, you can decrease or increase the donation amount by changing the text i.e. £10 = KIPAWATEN £50 = KIPAWAFIFTY

*Texts cost £15 plus one standard rate message and you'll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you'd like to give £15 but do not wish to receive marketing communications text KIPAWAFIFTEENNOINFO to 70085.